Christ's Beloved Food Pantry - Despensa de Comida Comunidad Amada 

Our Christ’s Beloved Food Pantry, continue growing in numbers and service during 2024.  We were also blessed with an increase in volunteers as well as new opportunities to partner with Second Harvest Food Bank. In addition to members of Christ’s Beloved Community, we regularly received volunteers and donations from Augsburg Lutheran, St. Anne’s Episcopal, Lutheran Church of the Epiphany, St. Paul’s Episcopal, and several other organizations. We also received a generous grant from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem and St. Francis Episcopal Church in Greensboro.  We also want to specially to the North Carolina Synod of the ELCA for the sharing of their building to make all of this possible.

Number of Households Served:
Households Unique:                             1,180                                             
Households Duplicated:                       4,469                                            
Households Individuals unique:         3,142                                            
Households Individuals Duplicated: 12,121
Quantity of Food: Pounds of Food:  162,183.00

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